Okay so i gave my diet a great effort . . . for a week! Unfortunately (and yummishly) when my best friend came over she brought 8 hot jam fillet donuts with her, i wanted to be polite so i ate one (cos they're expensive mofos) . Then she told me to eat another, and another, AND another- 1365 calories later and i've nearly reached my daily limit of 1600 calories a day. I calculated this astounding number on the sunday after that and began to feel like i'd entered my own biggest loser challenge. oh but the bad eating didn't end there, oh no . . .
1 shared medium hot chip w/ chicken salt
1 can of lemonade
3 large glasses of red wine (it was friday)
3 pieces of meatlovers pizza
2 glasses of white wine
and then by the suggetion of my boyfriend to line my stomach after the drunkenness- small maccas cheesburger meal (w/ lemonade)
This occured over the period of around 14 hours . . .
Total: 3986 :/