Thursday, November 18, 2010


In the past fortnight there have been three report on adults/parents killing infants for various reasons two of which relating to gaming. It is incredibly sad . . .

Last week I read a report about an American woman form Orlando who shook her 3 years old daughter to death, because she interrupted her Farmville game on FB . Yesterday I read a report about an man from the UK hitting, shaking and STOMPING!? his girlfriend's daughter to death because the baby interrupted his XBox game, furthermore the girlfriend was at their home and didn't bother to try and stop him because she'd rather keep her boyfriend - he got 21 years gaol and i think she got a year. Today my father told me about a Middle Eastern man whom was breaking up with his wife and he threatened to harm the child- he repeatedly stabbed their two year old to death.

This is beyond ridiculous- adults/parents taking their frustrations out on infants , becoming violent and killing them over things that either don't matter (games) or don't have anything to do with ( i.e. they are not the cause of the parents breaking up). Some people do not deserve the wonder of bringing a child into the world, I hope they all get taught a lesson in gaol and feel miserable for the rest of their lives ( and i hope they live a long time just so they can feel miserable or some one else does to them, what they did to those innocent babies).

I'm so over all this aggression . . .

1 comment:

  1. Read about Chris Benoit. THere is another odd example of murdering a child
